### Lesson Plan: **God Wants Us to Work**
#### Subject: Christian Religious Studies
#### Grade: Primary 5
#### Duration: 60 minutes
#### **Objectives**
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
1. Understand the value and importance of work in a Christian context.
2. Recognize Biblical examples that demonstrate God's encouragement for us to work.
3. Identify ways they can contribute through work both in their daily lives and their community.
### **Materials Needed**
- Bible (preferably Children's Bible for easier understanding)
- Whiteboard and Markers
- Handouts with Bible Verses
- Activity Sheets
- Colored Pencils/Crayons
### **Lesson Outline**
#### **Introduction (10 minutes)**
1. **Welcome and Prayer:** Welcome the students and lead them in a short opening prayer.
2. **Icebreaker Question:** Start with a simple question: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
3. **Objective Overview:** Briefly explain what they will learn today.
#### **Instruction (20 minutes)**
1. **Discussion on Work:**
- Define what work means.
- Ask students to give examples of work their parents or caregivers do.
2. **Biblical Foundation:**
- Read and discuss Genesis 2:15: "The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."
- Explain how this was the first example of work in the Bible.
- Discuss other examples from the Bible (e.g., Noah building the ark, Jesus as a carpenter, Paul as a tentmaker).
3. **Importance of Work:**
- Explain that God wants us to work because it helps us serve Him and others.
- Discuss how work teaches responsibility, builds character, and contributes to society.
#### **Interactive Activity (15 minutes)**
1. **Role-Playing:** Divide the students into small groups and ask them to role-play different jobs and how they help people (e.g., farmer, doctor, teacher).
2. **Illustration Activity:** Distribute activity sheets where students can draw themselves doing the job they aspire to do when they grow up. Let them color their drawings.
#### **Discussion and Reflection (10 minutes)**
1. **Sharing:** Allow students to share their drawings and explain why they chose that job.
2. **Reflection Question:** Ask, "How can we show others that we are hardworking and responsible according to God's desire?"
#### **Conclusion (5 minutes)**
1. **Summary:** Recap the key points of the lesson. Emphasize that every type of work is valuable and important in God's eyes.
2. **Prayer:** End with a closing prayer asking God to help everyone work hard and serve others through their work.
#### **Additional Resources**
- Handouts with Bible verses related to work: Colossians 3:23-24, Proverbs 14:23, and Ephesians 4:28.
- Suggestions for further reading in their Children's Bible at home.
#### **Homework**
- Ask students to help with a household chore and share their experience during the next class.
- Encourage them to ask their family about the kind of work they do and how it helps others.
### **Evaluation**
- Observe student participation during discussions and activities.
- Review their drawings and listen to their explanations to gauge their understanding of the topic.
- Follow-up in the next lesson by discussing their homework experiences.
This lesson plan aims to instill the value and purpose of work as given by God, highlighting its significance in both personal growth and community contribution.